Tasuku Honjo, Mistakes, And The Science Of The Positive.
/I just read this great article titled "Tang Prize winner Honjo calls for positive attitude in research" on Focus Taiwan about Japanese immunologist Tasuku Honjo, one of the winners of the first Tang Prize in Biopharmaceutical Science. The article discusses Honjo's desire to encourage "younger researchers to learn lessons from mistakes and then make informed decisions on the appropriate next steps in their research," and then goes to quote him as saying, "young scholars should 'continue their research and keep a positive attitude' while trying to enjoy the act of research itself." What I like about this piece, is that it weaves together a positive SPIRIT of hope with the concerns and challenges of being engaged in SCIENCE… then it mentions ACTIONS… to achieve RETURNS..., and this illustration of SPIRIT SCIENCE ACTION RETURN, is a great example of The Spirit-Science-Action-Return Cycle. I would like to hear your thoughts on the article and whether you have any examples of The Science of the Positive Cycle that you would like to share. If so, please do so in the Comments section below. Thanks.