New Fall Trainings!


We love the fresh perspective that fall brings. Get new insights and build your leadership and communication skills with our upcoming trainings.

Workshop 1: Crafting Your Transformational Leadership Narrative

Back by popular demand! Last time we offered this workshop, we had to add a second session and put a cap on enrollment. Don't miss your chance to expand your leadership capacity in this interactive, introspective, and inspirational workshop. Before the sessions begin, you’ll take our innovative Science of the Positive Transformational Leadership Assessment and receive a personalized Leadership Profile based on your results. During the live workshop, you will use a creative mix of individual and group storytelling exercises to construct a personal leadership narrative that will increase your clarity, effectiveness, and confidence as a community leader and change-maker. 

  • November 9th & 10th from 12:00 to 3:00pm CT each day

  • $275/person, including assessment & all materials

Workshop 2: Let's Talk!
Learning to Lead through Community Conversation

"Hearing and Steering" public conversations is a huge part of sharing your message and creating change. While formal marketing and communications like mission statements, billboards, and brochures can be effective means to convey information, it is often during conversations -- in meetings, school hallways, or sitting in the bleachers next to another parent -- that a leader actually leads, and that misperceptions of norms can be challenged and shifted. Using the tenets of motivational interviewing and leadership applications of the Science of the Positive, this interactive training will help you build the skills to effectively facilitate these conversations. Participants will be given hands-on opportunities to practice these essential skills and learn how to apply them in both their personal and professional lives.

  • December 3rd from 9:30-11:30 am CT and 1-3pm CT

  • $200/person, including all course materials