The most H.O.P.E.-ful Summer Institute yet!
/Photo from MSI 2018, at nearby Beehive Basin. Amazing wildflowers!
Positive Community Norms is all about balancing concern (the very real dangers and harm that our communities face) with hope (the equally real sources of strength and positive change that exist in our communities, too). This summer Dr. Jeff Linkenbach and his dynamic team will share key concepts and interactive activities to help you jump start or recharge Positive Community Norms in your community. You’ll learn from visionary leaders who are applying the Science of the Positive and Positive Community Norms in successful prevention efforts around the country. And you’ll discover how to use these approaches to identify protective factors, increase healthy norms, and transform your community on issues including:
underage, college, and adult substance use
child abuse prevention
distracted & impaired driving
marijuana legalization
sexual assault and dating violence
opioid abuse, and more.
New! Choose a PCN or H.O.P.E Pre-Institute track!
Sign up for our Positive Community Norms Intensive for a deep dive into how this approach works. This day-long event will provide the information and insights you need to get a new campaign up and running or get an existing effort on track for success. Additional PCN materials will be provided to those who register.
Or enroll in our brand-new Health Outcomes from Positive Experience (H.O.P.E.) Seminar, where you'll develop a better understanding of the effects of childhood experiences on the brain’s growth and development. H.O.P.E. is a complement to ACES-based work that opens exciting new opportunities for promoting health in children and adults.
...Then join us in Boston for even more H.O.P.E!
We are thrilled to announce our first-ever Summit on H.O.P.E. (Health Outcomes from Positive Experience) on November 6 & 7, 2019 near Boston, Massachusetts. H.O.P.E. offers a more holistic foundation for programmatic efforts to assess and address child and family needs, and provides an important complement to the entire the toxic stress portfolio. It reverses the ways we typically understand the role of resilience, neuroplasticity, and the developing brain. Research shows that positive childhood experiences both support child development and mitigate the effects of ACEs. This two-day event will explore the research behind H.O.P.E. and its applications for preventing and reducing harm. Registration for this groundbreaking event will open soon.
Sign up and mark your calendars for June 25-28, 2018. Bring your family, your fishing rod, your hiking boots -- and your passion for making positive changes in your community. Hope to see you there!