A Weaving Of Hope And Concern - The Montana Summer Institute 2014.

What a fantastic week at Big Sky! One hundred incredible leaders from around the country came together to learn and discuss the “Weaving of Hope and Concern,” as they work tirelessly to increase the health and safety of their communities. Whether we work across an entire state or within a single classroom, we learned new ways to apply the Science of the Positive process and the positive community norms framework. We delved deep into norms science, practiced creating stronger communication tools, and saw how the Science of the Positive can be used to create change in Native American communities or to reframe the mission of a statewide organization. We discussed evaluation, practiced reflection, and found much-needed inspiration. Saving time, of course, for hiking, zip-lining, and seeing a record number of bears under an unbelievably cloudless sky. I am grateful to all of you who traveled to Montana for this event. You challenged me, inspired me, and have me planning for next year’s institute, which will be back in Big Sky on July 7-10, 2015. I hope to see you then.

