Essentials for Childhood: Promoting Healthy Outcomes From Positive Experiences.
/I am excited to let you know about a new article I co-authored with Dr. Robert Sege titled "Essentials for Childhood: Promoting Healthy Outcomes From Positive Experiences." The article appears in the Pediatrics, the Official Journal Of The American Academy Of Pediatrics, and focuses on the Essentials for Childhood: Steps to Creating Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships (SSNRs), a strategy designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) "to promote the development of family environments in which children thrive." Dr. Sege and I served on a working group that advised the CDC on the SSNRs, and "the take-home lesson for physicians is simple yet profound: Health outcomes from positive experiences may be just as important as toxic outcomes from adverse experiences." There are a variety of ways to access the article at the above link and I hope you will take a look. I also hope you will let me know what you think in the Comments section below.
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